The most requested thing for dinner around here? Noodles. With butter.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Begin again

Last Sunday, my hard drive died.  It's really really dead.  So dead that the Mac Store couldn't backup the data.
Yes, I cried.
5 years worth of documents, photos, and scrapbook pages...  maybe gone forever.
I thought crying was an appropriate response.
I also spent some time berating myself for not having a external back-up drive.
And then I did some research and found a place in Eugene, OR that specializes in getting data from the dead.
If UPS does its job, I will know on Monday or Tuesday of next week whether the dead can be resurrected.
In the meantime, I am rebuilding my list of favorite websites as best I can, and working on that email contact list...

Sigh.  All those photos.

I now have a new hard drive AND an external back-up drive and I promise to turn off the computer once a week to let it rest.

I kind of want to go out and do a little shopping therapy to make up for this lousy week.  Trouble is, I just spent a bunch on the new hard drive and the external back-up drive.  Maybe I'll just talk to my counselors, Ben and Jerry.  Chocolate therapy is often just as good.