I'm just waiting. I accepted the offer on my house but I have yet to find out if the guy will get his loan. It all depends on the appraisal which I just found out is tomorrow. Might take a week to get the results. It needs to be high enough to warrant the offer he gave.
So I'm waiting.
I'm also waiting to hear from B of A about my offer on the townhome. They are waiting for that appraisal and then they might be able to make a decision. It would be nice it it were low enough to be near my offer- after all, that was the list price in December. Maybe they will accept my offer, maybe they will counter-offer. I'm just waiting.
I'm packing a few boxes here and there, but not the whole house yet because I don't know if I will need to make one move or two, or...? I'll just wait to get the bulk of the packing done.
I'm going to have a moving sale, but I'm waiting on that as well. The things I want to sell have no place at the townhome, but if I don't get the townhome I might have a place and a use for them at another house. I'm just waiting.
For a person who likes to plan and scheme and dream, this is a little weird. I would love to purchase a few things for the new place, but I have no idea whether I will actually get the townhome I hope to get. It's not tragic, just weird. I have my health, the car still runs, kiddo is doing great at school, and God is still God. I'm not complaining, just explaining that I'm waiting.
Sometimes when I am waiting, it's hard to think of things to write about other than waiting.
One of these days, I'll post some pics of what I did for my 50th birthday. It was fun. Betcha can't wait...