The most requested thing for dinner around here? Noodles. With butter.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Field Trips, part 1

In June, Ab's school let out about 10 days before mine.  My folks jumped in with activities and field trips in order to save me some day care $$$$.  Three cheers for grandparents!!!

Field trip #1 was to Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in central Oregon.  The ranch was founded by Troy and Kim Meeder to rescue neglected and abused horses and provide a place for disabled kids to learn to ride.  They give tours and have a weekly dinner and worship time.  Read more about the ranch at their website or through one of Kim's books.

Here are the scrapbook pages I made to document their wonderful time together:

As you can see, Ab really likes animals of all kinds.  I can see her working somewhere like this when she is old enough.