But, at that time, the clouds blocked the sun. Typical NW springish day.
The teacher let me borrow the filter, and when I got home I was able to use it. Very cool indeed. Venus looked like a little thumb tack on a round orange bulletin board. It was in the top right part of the sun, and as the afternoon and evening progressed, it moved down to the lower right hand part. I tried to take a picture through the filter, but you can't see Venus.
I even tried to use my zoom, but it didn't quite work. I guess you need more than a point-and-shoot Canon...
This event won't happen again for 105 years. I'm glad I got to see it now, and I think I'm going to buy some of those eclipse viewers. They are about $1.00 each, so I might stock up and use them as presents for my science geek friends!