The most requested thing for dinner around here? Noodles. With butter.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Back to reality soon!

 We set our clocks to Standard Time in about a week.  Finally!  What a silly stupid thing we do twice a year.  We should leave it on Standard Time.  

I have an acquaintance who thinks that the reason it is darker in the winter is because we change our clocks.  She is convinced that there would be more light if we stayed on DST.  When I mentioned that there is naturally different amounts of light in a 24 hour period depending on the season, she just blinked at me.  Couldn't comprehend that regardless of our clocks, winter is just darker.   Tilt of the earth and all that.

And she teaches science.  


Friday, August 19, 2022

Stop hitting "Reply to all"!!!!!

I hate group emails.  Not because the sender wants to give info to lots of people at once, but because the recipients often respond to EVERYONE with personal greetings that belong to just one person in the group.


Seriously, WHYYYYYY???????

Are you too stupid to find the ONE email address in the group and just send your birthday/anniversary/recovery wishes to the ONE person who merits them?

Or, do you want the rest of us to know how caring and loving you are that you went to the trouble to click and comment and now we can all read it...???  UGH. 

I've mentioned this before.  I have asked politely that you don't reply to ALL.  I have asked that our group emails be blind-copy so that this idiocy is weaned out of the group.  I've even sent memes as reminders, all to no avail.

You are clogging up my inbox and annoying the snot out of me. 


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

If I ran the country...

I don't want to be president.  I can't be president.  Only a crazy person would want to be president.

BUT- if I were president, I would change how we do income taxes in this country.

First- there would be no filing of taxes every year.  It's such a waste of time.  Your employer would take your taxes up front and that would be it.  The only folks who would have to file would be ones who get tips or work as freelancers.  This means we wouldn't need the IRS except for maybe a dozen agents.  The rest would have to find legitimate careers.  Saves money right there.

Second- you would only pay 10% of your income.  No loopholes, child credits, exemptions, or other hogwash.  10%.  Everyone.  You use the country's infrastructure, you pay.  This includes the filthy rich.

Third- you only have to pay taxes for 50 years.  From the age of 20 to 70, you pay taxes.  Before and after you can make as much as you want without paying taxes on that income.

This is all for the federal government.  The states would have sales tax of no more than 10%.  Of course, groceries would be untaxed and every August school supplies would be untaxed, but other than that, 10%.

A government that can't run itself on this should be ashamed of itself.