The most requested thing for dinner around here? Noodles. With butter.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Stop hitting "Reply to all"!!!!!

I hate group emails.  Not because the sender wants to give info to lots of people at once, but because the recipients often respond to EVERYONE with personal greetings that belong to just one person in the group.


Seriously, WHYYYYYY???????

Are you too stupid to find the ONE email address in the group and just send your birthday/anniversary/recovery wishes to the ONE person who merits them?

Or, do you want the rest of us to know how caring and loving you are that you went to the trouble to click and comment and now we can all read it...???  UGH. 

I've mentioned this before.  I have asked politely that you don't reply to ALL.  I have asked that our group emails be blind-copy so that this idiocy is weaned out of the group.  I've even sent memes as reminders, all to no avail.

You are clogging up my inbox and annoying the snot out of me.